Wedding photography is an art form of capturing the special moments and memories of a couple's big day. To do this effectively like anything else, it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure taht your important memories are documented

Being a wedding photographer, I always look forward to the excitement and emotions that surround any big day.

The build-up is one of my favourite parts of the day as there are many unique moments to capture. If you're unsure about how to begin with your wedding photography, here are some tips and ideas from me that might help you get started.

  • Create a shot list

Before the wedding day, it's helpful to have a shot list prepared so you know exactly what photos you like to have captured. This way, you can create a checklist and make sure you get all the shots you want, from just the dress on its own, or all the accessories together in one shot.

  • Know your location

Whether your prep is taking place at home, a hotel, or a friend/relative's house. It’s Important to know the location well for the best pictures. While there, scout for ideal settings and lighting conditions by exploring various areas. It is helpful to have some shot ideas in mind and consider how natural light can enhance the photographs. Consider utilising spaces like an orangery or conservatory that provide excellent lighting. Otherwise large windows that let ample natural light can also do wonders!

  • Don’t forget the accessories

During the wedding preparations, it can be quite chaotic, and the bride and her loved ones might miss some of the smaller but significant details like the flowers, beautiful jewellery, shoes, veils, and tiaras. To make sure these details are captured, it is a good idea to set some time aside usually at the very start of when the photographer arrives to take some pictures of the accessories.

  • Capture the special moments

One of the best things about wedding photography is capturing those unforgettable moments that truly showcase the emotions and excitement of the day. These moments could be the bride spending time with her bridesmaids, the champagne popping, or the mother of the bride getting ready for the big day. These pictures will add a lot of value to the photo album, and you will cherish them for years to come. If there's something special happening, communicate this with your photographer!

  • The Reactions!

These are the moments that truly capture the essence of a wedding day, and they are the ones that will be cherished by the couple for years to come. Whether it's the parents of the bride sharing a heartfelt moment, the bride taking her first steps down the stairs and catching her father's eye, or a sweet laugh from the littlest bridesmaid, these are the photographs that will evoke the most emotion and will be proudly displayed on the walls of the newlyweds' home for years to come. Make sure to let your photographer know timings of your morning prep in detail, so these moments are not missed!

Capturing the perfect wedding photographs is a mixture of planning and spontaneity. The photographer needs to be prepared for any circumstances that may arise on the day but also able to think on their feet and capture those special moments as they happen. Preparation is key, from scouting out locations beforehand to setting aside time for accessory shots. It’s not just about taking posed pictures but being able to capture all of the emotions of the day – By following these tips, photographers can ensure that they provide couples with an album that truly captures one of the most important days in their lives.